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Timothy Tiryaki: Finding His Purpose as an Executive Leader and Coach

Updated: Apr 29, 2022

Timothy Tiryaki is the Founder of the Maslow Centre for Executive Leadership which has pillars of research, executive coaching, and large-scale projects focused on culture transformation.

How did Timothy discover his life's purpose?

Timothy had a breakthrough in finding his purpose when he realized that leading people to work together was an essential part of it all. He found clarity in himself and knew that he wanted to support people to become their best selves! The best way for him to do this was to become an executive leader/coach.

How do we get executives to move towards a more conscious, humane leadership?

Timothy mentions that we cannot operate with the same leadership skills as the last century, it is moving to more conscious and humane leadership. The purpose of organizations is not just profit anymore, it's expanding into values. Timothy suggests for people to commit to working at an organization that holds high value in humanizing the workplace.

Maslow encourages us to think about: who you are, who you are becoming, and who you could be. Timothy took on the quest of reigniting Maslow’s work into his own.

Timothy has committed to soaking up the knowledge he needed to be the best he can in his work. It was a 13-15 year evolution from leadership developments to one-on-one coaching to leadership coaching, until he realized that he really can influence people and executives.

A part of Timothy’s leadership is tapping into his own passion and tapping into the other person’s passion to find the intersection. He loves asking questions and learning about other people’s journeys.

How meditation changed Timothy's life:

We cannot grow and change without deep reflection. To help with his anxiety, Timothy started reading self-help books and meditation flowed in naturally. Over years of meditation practice, he learned about varieties of meditations that helped him tremendously to accelerate his intellectual and emotional intelligence. Meditation is what allowed Timothy to find his life purpose at a young age.

There isn’t always going to be time in the day to incorporate daily habits, but it is important to find those “moments” every now and then to recenter yourself.


Sean McCormick 0:00 This week on Earn More Tutoring, Timothy Tiryaki and I talk about changing the meaning of leadership in the 21st century, staring at the sky in the middle of public and how to approach someone you want to learn from. Timothy Tiryaki 0:13 I did grow up in my high school years with with anxiety of being bullied and from an upper middle class family we got bankrupt and going from like a private French High School to not having any money at all where I had to go out and sell stuff on the street. So it was that was a hit in my high school years. And to deal with my anxiety I've turned to books learning and how to survive in life and but I also to deal with my anxiety I started reading the self help books. Sean McCormick 0:48 Welcome to Earn More Tutoring, the ultimate crowdsource education entrepreneurship show. This week I speak with Timothy Tiryaki. Timothy is the founder of the Maslow center for executive leadership, a coaching brand that consulting coaches for large scale programs. Welcome to the show, Tim. Timothy Tiryaki 1:04 Welcome. It's great to be here, Sean. Sean McCormick 1:05 Yeah. So just to get started, tell us about what you do. Timothy Tiryaki 1:10 So in a nutshell, I'm the founder of Maslow's center for executive leadership, which is a center focusing on on coaching, executive leadership. And we're a center that has pillars of research, for certification programs, and executive coaching. And we also run large scale corporate projects, focusing on cultural transformation. Sean McCormick 1:33 That's awesome. I love I just love, you know, executive leadership, right? I always think about how they need the coaching the most, right? Because they it's kind of probably a lonely place to be at the top of an organization. And so having someone to, you know, brainstorm ideas, where to kind of help you self evaluate and reflect on what you're doing has got to be such an essential, you know, something that you need to invest in, basically, how did you get into this field? Timothy Tiryaki 2:01 It's little bit of a squiggly line for sure. So I'm one of those people who again, some I admire that people have more filled in your path. They knew what they would do in their high school years, I was not one of those for sure. It was a journey, a journey of exploration of who am I? What are my strengths, what is my purpose, and there was actually quite a lot of deliberate practice in that as well on reflecting. Because some of the standard things were not fitting me in the way I wanted. So maybe I'll give you the kind of the summary of my story. And then we can dive in different pieces of it, whether it's from leadership or career choices, or maybe finding my purpose. So I have a background in engineering, I studied Industrial Engineering, and I knew quite early on that I was not going to be an engineer, one of those moments, my moments of Satori, where I got that acknowledgement was, it wasn't an exam of solving multiple pages of an equation. It was an optimization of an airport problem planes, landing devices, trucks, machines, number of people, and I barely passed that exam, not because I didn't know how to solve it, I was stuck on this idea of the people or the people happy or they fulfilled. I didn't have the language I have but now on was there as it was at a great workplace. They have high engagement like a no those terms, but I was like, Are they happy in teamwork? Are they working together? Oh my god, people working together could be like such a big efficiency factor leadership, I was mind blown with this idea of if their lead Well, properly or not, and how much that could change the optimization of what we're trying to do on how many equipment meet we need and how the pieces would work together. And so that was one of my moments where I know that I was not going to be an engineer, I was little to people focused. As a people focused person. I found myself going on tangents and sales, I worked in Procter and Gamble and sales. They told me that was one of the best schools to learn about business, learn about people skills. And so that's where I started, I moved on to Intel Corporation to marketing. I was curious about strategy and brand and worked there as a marketing manager. And around that time, I started to notice that my passion was not about a brand, a company a product or service, it was about people I was getting more articulate on, on that I want to help people become their best selves. Again, through another decade of tangent of human resources and training, leadership, dopamine coaching, I got to synthesize and clarify my purpose that my archetype, my being my strengths, I have a teacher and healer archetype. What I love is I love supporting people to become their best selves. And the way that I was able to do this best was as an executive and leadership coach. Sean McCormick 4:42 Yeah, talk about an executive challenge, right? Trying to manage...

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